GST Site Foundation Variables
GSF makes use of some standard variables to help with convention-over-configuration. Some of these variables are standard Sites variables like c,cid and p some are specefic to the framework.
- c assettype of the asset to render
- cid id of the asset to render
- cshttp
- eid Variable holding the CSElement asset id.
- errno The errno.
- locale The locale in which the site is rendered, in the form of en_US or en. Not the id of the Dimension.
- packedargs The arguments on the url that are packed together.
- pagename The name of the SiteCatalog entry, the page to execute.
- childpagename The pagename of the template to render when a wrapper is used.
- p id of the Page (navigation node) under which the current asset is rendered, useful for creating breadcrumbs.
- pubid the id of the Site.
- q The variable holding the search query string.
- rendermode The rendermode
- seid Id of the SiteEntry asset
- site The name of the site that the asset is currently rendered on.
- tid Id for the Template asset.
- tname the name of the Template to render. Will be concatenated with the site name and the assettype to the pagename.
- url_path Variable holding the path part of the vanity url.
- virtual_webroot Variable holding the virtual webroot part of the vanity url.
- d Variable holding the device type for which you want to render the site, can be desktop, mobile or tablet.
- lang Variable holding the language that the user want to use for see the page, is in the form of en_US.
- locale Variable holding the id of the Dimension with the locale that the user want to use for see the page, is in the form of en_US.