
Class Summary
AbstractActionLocator ActionLocator with support for Injector and a fall back ActionLocator in case this ActionLocator is not designed or configured to create an action for that name.
BaseActionLocator ActionLocator with support for Factory and a fall back ActionLocator.
BaseFactory Factory making use to reflection (BaseFactory.reflectionStrategy(String, Class) and BaseFactory.ctorStrategy(String, Class)) to produce objects.
ClassActionLocator ActionLocator that loads actions based on a naming convention; if the action name is prefixed with class: and the rest of the action name is a java class that implements the Action interface , an Action from this class will be created.
ClassBasedFactory Factory that reads the producer methods of the passed in class names.
CommandActionLocator Deprecated. use MapActionLocator.
CommandActionNameResolver ActionNameResolver that looks up variable name value from ICS scope.
DefaultWebAppContext This is the WebAppContext with accessors to the ActionLocator, ActionNameResolver and the Injector, with the companion FactoryProducer.
ElementNameActionNameResolver ActionNameResolver that looks up name of action based on current elementname.
IcsBackedObjectFactoryTemplate Factory implementation that works with a method naming convention to create objects.
IcsFactoryUtil Helper class to access the ICS based services through the Factory.
MapActionLocator ActionLocator that holds a Map with the Actions.
NullActionNameResolver ActionNameResolver that always returns null for the action name.
ReflectionFactoryProducer Producer for a Factory that makes use of reflection to construct the Factory.
RenderPageActionLocator ActionLocator that always returns a RenderPage action as long as the name parameter is blank.
SingleActionLocator Class that provides access to a single action, ie the name is ignored and it will always return the same new Action, from the actionClass field.
SpringObjectFactory Factory with access to Spring framework beans.

Exception Summary

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