Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.controller |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.controller that return AssetIdWithSite | |
protected AssetIdWithSite |
In this method the AssetId and the site are resolved. |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.controller with parameters of type AssetIdWithSite | |
protected void |
BaseRenderPage.callPage(AssetIdWithSite id,
String pagename,
String packedArgs)
protected void |
BaseRenderPage.callTemplate(AssetIdWithSite id,
String tname)
int |
AssetIdWithSite.compareTo(AssetIdWithSite o)
protected void |
BaseRenderPage.findAndSetP(AssetIdWithSite id,
Map<String,String> arguments)
Add p to the input parameters, if it is known or knowable. |
protected void |
BaseRenderPage.getCallTemplateArguments(AssetIdWithSite id,
Map<String,String> arguments)
This method collects additional arguments for the CallTemplate call. |
protected VanityAsset |
BaseRenderPage.getWraAndResolveAlias(AssetIdWithSite id)
Load the WRA, or the alias, and return it for use by the controller. |
Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.mapping |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.mapping with parameters of type AssetIdWithSite | |
static void |
MappingInjector.inject(Object object,
Factory factory,
AssetIdWithSite id)
Map<String,MappingValue> |
MappingService.readMapping(AssetIdWithSite id)
Reads the mappings for the asset and the site. |
Map<String,MappingValue> |
IcsMappingService.readMapping(AssetIdWithSite id)
Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.mobile.action |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.mobile.action that return AssetIdWithSite | |
protected AssetIdWithSite |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.findTranslation(AssetIdWithSite id)
protected AssetIdWithSite |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.mobile.action with parameters of type AssetIdWithSite | |
protected void |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.callPage(AssetIdWithSite id,
String pagename,
String packedArgs)
protected void |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.callTemplate(AssetIdWithSite id,
String tname)
protected String |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.checkForDevicePagename(AssetIdWithSite id,
String pagename,
DeviceType type)
protected String |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.checkForDeviceTName(AssetIdWithSite id,
String tname,
DeviceType type)
protected AssetIdWithSite |
DeviceAwareRenderPageAction.findTranslation(AssetIdWithSite id)
Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.url |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.url that return AssetIdWithSite | |
AssetIdWithSite |
WraPathTranslationService.resolveAsset(String virtual_webroot,
String url_path)
Look up the asset corresponding to the input virtual-webroot and url-path |
Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.url.db |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.url.db that return AssetIdWithSite | |
AssetIdWithSite |
UrlRegistry2.resolveAsset(String virtual_webroot,
String url_path)
AssetIdWithSite |
UrlRegistry.resolveAsset(String virtual_webroot,
String url_path)
Deprecated. |
Uses of AssetIdWithSite in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.wra |
Methods in com.fatwire.gst.foundation.wra with parameters of type AssetIdWithSite | |
long |
WraCoreFieldDao.findP(AssetIdWithSite wraAssetIdWithSite)
Locate the page that contains the specified Web-Referenceable Asset. |
long |
AssetApiWraCoreFieldDao.findP(AssetIdWithSite wraAssetIdWithSite)
Locate the page that contains the specified Web-Referenceable Asset. |