Interface LocaleService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LocaleService

Service to find translated assets and work with Dimensions, DimensionSets and DimensionFilters.

Apr 19, 2011
Dolf Dijkstra

Method Summary findTranslation( id, com.fatwire.mda.DimensionFilterInstance filter)
          Look up the translation for the asset specified, with the dimension filter. findTranslation( id, long preferredDimension, com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance dimset)
          Finds the translation for the preferred dimension and dimensionset. findTranslation( id, long preferredDimension, long dimensionSetId)
          Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified. findTranslation( id, long preferredDimension, String dimensionSetName)
          Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified. findTranslation( id, String site, long preferredDimension)
          Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified. findTranslation(String c, String cid, String site, String preferredLocaleDimensionId)
          Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified. getDimensionAssetIdForName(String name)
          Get the AssetId of the dimension asset for the name specified
 com.fatwire.mda.DimensionFilterInstance getDimensionFilter(String site)
          Looks up the DimensionFilter based on the current browser settings and site configuration, as well as request parameters.
 com.fatwire.mda.Dimension getDimensionForName(String name)
          Get the AssetId of the dimension asset for the name specified
 long getDimensionIdForName(String name)
          Get the id of the dimension asset for the name specified
 com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance getDimensionSet(String name)
          Looksup the DimensionSetInstance for the given name.
 com.fatwire.mda.Dimension getLocaleForAsset( id)
          Return the dimension of the input asset that corresponds to its locale.
 String getNameForDimensionId(long dimensionid)
          Shorthand function to get the name given a dimension ID specified.
 com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance locateDimensionSetInstanceForSite(String site)
          Returns the DimensionSetInstance for the site

Method Detail


com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance locateDimensionSetInstanceForSite(String site)
Returns the DimensionSetInstance for the site

site - the name of the site
the DimensionSetInstance for the site


com.fatwire.mda.DimensionFilterInstance getDimensionFilter(String site)
Looks up the DimensionFilter based on the current browser settings and site configuration, as well as request parameters.

site -
the DimensionFilterInstance

findTranslation findTranslation( id,
                                                  com.fatwire.mda.DimensionFilterInstance filter)
Look up the translation for the asset specified, with the dimension filter.

id - asset id of asset to look up
filter - the dimensionset to use
AssetId of translation asset.

findTranslation findTranslation(String c,
                                                  String cid,
                                                  String site,
                                                  String preferredLocaleDimensionId)
Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified.

If the desired translation is not available, null will be returned.

If a dimension set for the site has been configured that returns the asset other than the preferred locale, that is considered to be fine and not really the problem of the end user. In other words, a dimension set may dictate that a "backup" language can be returned to the user.

Null, however, is a valid option.

c - asset type of asset to look up
cid - asset id of asset to look up
site - name of site
preferredLocaleDimensionId - id of locale desired
AssetId of translation asset.

findTranslation findTranslation( id,
                                                  String site,
                                                  long preferredDimension)
Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified.

If the desired translation is not available, null will be returned.

If a dimension set for the site has been configured that returns the asset other than the preferred locale, that is considered to be fine and not really the problem of the end user. In other words, a dimension set may dictate that a "backup" language can be returned to the user.

Null, however, is a valid option.

id - id of asset to look up
site - name of site
preferredDimension - id of locale desired
AssetId of translation asset, or null if none is returned by the dimension set filter.

findTranslation findTranslation( id,
                                                  long preferredDimension,
                                                  long dimensionSetId)
Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified.

If the desired translation is not available, null will be returned.

If a dimension set for the site has been configured that returns the asset other than the preferred locale, that is considered to be fine and not really the problem of the end user. In other words, a dimension set may dictate that a "backup" language can be returned to the user.

Null, however, is a valid option.

id - id of asset to look up
preferredDimension - id of locale desired
dimensionSetId - dimension set to use to find the translation
AssetId of translation asset, or null if none is returned by the dimension set filter.

findTranslation findTranslation( id,
                                                  long preferredDimension,
                                                  String dimensionSetName)
Look up the translation for the asset specified, in the locale specified.

If the desired translation is not available, null will be returned.

If a dimension set has been configured that returns the asset other than the preferred locale, that is considered to be fine and not really the problem of the end user. In other words, a dimension set may dictate that a "backup" language can be returned to the user.

Null, however, is a valid option.

id - id of asset to look up
preferredDimension - id of locale desired
dimensionSetName - the name of the dimension set to use to find the translation
AssetId of translation asset, or null if none is returned by the dimension set filter. The id parameters is returned if the asset does not have a locale or if the locale is already of the preferredDimension

findTranslation findTranslation( id,
                                                  long preferredDimension,
                                                  com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance dimset)
Finds the translation for the preferred dimension and dimensionset.

id -
preferredDimension -
dimset -
assetid of translated asset.


com.fatwire.mda.DimensionSetInstance getDimensionSet(String name)
Looksup the DimensionSetInstance for the given name.

name -
the DimensionSetInstance by the provided name


com.fatwire.mda.Dimension getLocaleForAsset( id)
Return the dimension of the input asset that corresponds to its locale. If the asset does not have a locale set, returns null

id - asset
locale dimension or null


long getDimensionIdForName(String name)
Get the id of the dimension asset for the name specified

name - dimension name, or locale like en_US
dimension id, -1 is not found.

getDimensionAssetIdForName getDimensionAssetIdForName(String name)
Get the AssetId of the dimension asset for the name specified

name - dimension name, or locale like en_US
dimension id, null if not found


com.fatwire.mda.Dimension getDimensionForName(String name)
Get the AssetId of the dimension asset for the name specified

name - dimension name, or locale like en_US
dimension id, null if not found


String getNameForDimensionId(long dimensionid)
Shorthand function to get the name given a dimension ID specified.

dimensionid - ID of a locale. Note the dimension group is not verified
dimension name, or locale name, like en_CA, null if not found

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