Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

GST Site Foundation Taglib - version 1.1

usage: <%@ taglib uri="http://gst.fatwire.com/foundation/tags/gsf" prefix="gsf" %>

Namespace definition: xmlns:gsf="http://gst.fatwire.com/foundation/tags/gsf"


  • asset-children A facade over asset:children
  • asset-load Loads an asset
  • asset-query A tag to query for assets
  • asset-tagged-list Given an input assettype and assetid, convert it into a tag string format and return an IList with ASSETTYPE,ASSETID as columns for any assets found that match the specified tag
  • callaction This tag calls an action
  • get-asset-tags Given an asset, return the tags, converted to AssetIds, for that asset in list form
  • get-properties Tag to expose the property asset values for JSP EL
  • get-property Tag to expose the asset id part of a property of any type to a JSP EL
  • get-property-assetid Tag to expose the asset id part of a property of type "asset id" to a JSP EL
  • get-tags Given an asset, return the tags for that asset in list form
  • include This tag is used to include a template,element or page
  • multilingual-navigation Given an input pagename for the name of the Page asset return the NavNodes for that page
  • navigation Given an input pagename for the name of the Page asset return the NavNodes for that page
  • root Tag to expose ics variables as page attributes for JSP EL
  • set-property Tag to set a property asset
  • tagged-assets Given an input tag, returns an Collection of AssetIds for any assets found that match the specified tag
  • tagged-list Given an input tag, returns an IList with ASSETTYPE,ASSETID as columns for any assets found that match the specified tag
  • translate-asset Tag to translate a single asset
  • translate-list Tag to translate the results of a recommendation call (or any other list containing assettype,assetid columns

Required attributes are marked with a*


A facade over asset:children

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
assoc* the name of the association String
attributes the asset attributes to retrieve, if provided the child assets are loaded with the listed attributes. If this is not provided, a list of AssetId's are returned, if a '*' is provided, all the attributes are returned. String
c the assettype String
cid The assetid. long
list* the name of the collection with the child assets String


Loads an asset. It puts a TemplateAsset on the page scope with the variable key as provided by the 'name' attribute.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
attributes the asset attributes String
c the assettype String
cid The assetid. long
name* the name of the loaded asset as JSP page attribute String


A tag to query for assets.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
attributes the asset attributes String
c* the assettype String
list* the name of the list with the loaded asset as JSP page attribute String
query* the query String
subtype the subtype String


Given an input assettype and assetid, convert it into a tag string format and return an IList with ASSETTYPE,ASSETID as columns for any assets found that match the specified tag. The result is also stored in the jsp context using the name outlist.

Can contain:tagdependent


Name Description Type
assetid* the assetid String
assettype* the assettype String
outlist* the name of the list containing the result String


This tag calls an action.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
action the name of the action String


Given an asset, return the tags, converted to AssetIds, for that asset in list form.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
c the assettype String
cid The assetid. long
name* the name of the loaded asset as JSP page attribute String


Tag to expose the property asset values for JSP EL. Property assets's type and subtype can be of any type which complies with the following conditions: 1) It's a flex asset type. 2) It has a "value" attribute. 3) The name of the asset represents the name of the property. 4) The description of the asset represents the description of the property and it is for human descriptive use only. This type and subtype are configured inside web.xml via gst-property-type and gst-property-subtype init params. If not specified, type / subtype will DEFAULT TO "GSTProperty". This fallback is provided for backwards compatibility purposes only. The properties are exposed in the page context under the prefix "props".

Can contain:empty

This tag has no attributes.


Tag to expose the asset id part of a property of any type to a JSP EL. Property assets's type and subtype can be of any type which complies with the following conditions: 1) It's a flex asset type. 2) It has a "value" attribute. 3) The name of the asset represents the name of the property. 4) The description of the asset represents the description of the property and it is for human descriptive use only. This type and subtype are configured inside web.xml via gst-property-type and gst-property-subtype init params. If not specified, type / subtype will DEFAULT TO "GSTProperty". This fallback is provided for backwards compatibility purposes only.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
name* the name of the output scripting variable String
property* the property name String


Tag to expose the asset id part of a property of type "asset id" to a JSP EL. in the form AssetId. Property assets's type and subtype can be of any type which complies with the following conditions: 1) It's a flex asset type. 2) It has a "value" attribute. 3) The name of the asset represents the name of the property. 4) The description of the asset represents the description of the property and it is for human descriptive use only. This type and subtype are configured inside web.xml via gst-property-type and gst-property-subtype init params. If not specified, type / subtype will DEFAULT TO "GSTProperty". This fallback is provided for backwards compatibility purposes only.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
name* the name of the output scripting variable String
property* the property name String


Given an asset, return the tags for that asset in list form.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
c the assettype String
cid The assetid. long
name* the name of the loaded asset as JSP page attribute String


This tag is used to include a template,element or page.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
name* the name of include to call String


Given an input pagename for the name of the Page asset return the NavNodes for that page. Automatically translates the WRAs associated to the page asset using the dimension set specified (or discovered) into the locale specified (or discovered).

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
depth the depth of the navigation, defaults to 1 int
dimset Name of dimension set in String form, or ID of dimension set in String form. String
locale Preferred locale. Can be either a String corresponding to the name of the dimension, or a String corresponding to the ID of the dimension. If not specified, an attempt to locate the locale in the context is made. String
name* the name of jsp page attribute holding the NavNode String
pagename* the name of the Page asset String


Given an input pagename for the name of the Page asset return the NavNodes for that page.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
depth the depth of the navigation, defaults to 1 int
name* the name of jsp page attribute holding the NavNode String
pagename the name of the Page asset. This attribute is optional and if omitted the root nodes of the current site are returned. String


Tag to expose ics variables as page attributes for JSP EL. Content Server variables, lists, and objects are exposed with the prefix "cs". Also exposes an instance of ScatteredAssetAccessTemplate under the name assetDao which is very useful for accessing asset data. Lastly, this tag records dependencies for tid, seid, eid which means it is not necessary to do this within a JSP. This tag should be placed immediately inside the cs:ftcs tag <cs:ftcs>gsf:root> jsp code </gsf:root><cs:/ftcs> If the optional parameter action is provided, the action with that name will be executed by this tag.

Can contain:JSP


Name Description Type
action the name of the action String


Tag to set a property asset. Tags are immediately persisted to the repository. The property is automatically added to the current site, as determined by locating the session variable "pubid".

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
description the property description String
property* the name of the output scripting variable String
publist List of site names to add to those currently set for this property. String
value the property name String


Given an input tag, returns an Collection of AssetIds for any assets found that match the specified tag. The result is also stored in the jsp context using the name outlist.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
list* the name of the list containing the result String
tag* the name of the tag String


Given an input tag, returns an IList with ASSETTYPE,ASSETID as columns for any assets found that match the specified tag.

Can contain:tagdependent


Name Description Type
outlist* the name of the list containing the result String
tag* the name of the tag String


Tag to translate a single asset. If the dimensionset cannot be found, or if the locale is not found, the original asset is returned. The output corresponds to an AssetId, and is set in the page scope as well as in the ICS variable scope by way of scattered variables. Typical usage, therefore, is [gsf:translate-asset assetid="${wra}" output="xlatWra" /] or [gsf:translate-asset assetid="${wra}" dimset="1231243278234" locale="en_US" output="xlatWra"/] [gsf:translate-list assetid="${wra}" dimset="global" locale="11123323235792" output="xlatWra"/] or other similar variants.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
dimset Name of dimension set in String form, or ID of dimension set in String form. If not specified, the tag checks to see if the site has only one assigned, and if so, uses it. One must be found or else no translation will occur. String
id* ID of asset to translate com.fatwire.assetapi.data.AssetId
locale Preferred locale. Can be either a String corresponding to the name of the dimension, or a String corresponding to the ID of the dimension. If not specified, an attempt to locate the locale in the context is made. String
output* Name of output AssetId in the page scope. Also, the prefix to be used for ICS scope variables corresponding to PREFIX:c for asset type, and PREFIX:id for assetid. The name must be compatible with EL syntax. String


Tag to translate the results of a recommendation call (or any other list containing assettype,assetid columns. If the dimensionset cannot be found, or if the locale is not found, the original list is returned. The outlist is also set into the page context for iteration, as an instance of List(AssetId) with the name corresponding to outlist (or inlist if outlist is not set). Typical usage, therefore, is [gsf:translate-list inlist="recoList", dimset="global" /] or [gsf:translate-list inlist="recoList" dimset="1231243278234" locale="en_US" outlist="translatedList"/] [gsf:translate-list inlist="recoList" dimset="global" locale="11123323235792"/] or other similar variants.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
dimset Name of dimension set in String form, or ID of dimension set in String form. String
inlist* Name of input list in ICS context. Must have columns assettype,assetid. Other columns are ignored. String
locale Preferred locale. Can be either a String corresponding to the name of the dimension, or a String corresponding to the ID of the dimension. If not specified, an attempt to locate the locale in the context is made. String
outlist Name of output list object in the ICS context. Will have columns assettype,assetid. The number and contents of other columns is not specified. If this attribute is not specified, the inlist will be replaced by this list. The name must be compatible with EL syntax. String

GST Site Foundation Pages Taglib - version 1.2

DEPRECATED, use the http://gst.fatwire.com/foundation/tags/gsf taglib.null usage: <%@ taglib uri="http://gst.fatwire.com/foundation/tags/p" prefix="p" %>

Namespace definition: xmlns:p="http://gst.fatwire.com/foundation/tags/p"


  • callaction This tag calls an action
  • include This tag is used to include a template,element or page
  • page This tag executes a model at the start of the template

Required attributes are marked with a*


This tag calls an action.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
action the name of the action String


This tag is used to include a template,element or page.

Can contain:empty


Name Description Type
name* the name of include to call String


This tag executes a model at the start of the template. It is a replacement for the gsf:root tag. This tag should be placed immediately inside the cs:ftcs tag <cs:ftcs>p:page> jsp code <p:page><cs:ftcs>.

Can contain:JSP


Name Description Type
action the name of the action String